Beware of Tax Scams

As Tax season approaches Tax Scams are on the rise, scammers are being more aggressive even posing as Tax agents using threats against victims if Money is not wired. Watch the video on how to protect your finances from these and other Tax frauds.

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Cyber Criminals Targeting Schools

On a recent news cast released by NBC news, we learned of how far Cyber criminals are willing to go now a days even targeting Schools, here is the video and information. School districts and businesses need to be ready to protect their computer systems against these new online threats which put personal records of […]

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Cyberattacks holding Computers Hostage Worldwide

A worldwide cyber attack infected computers worldwide Friday May 12, demanding payment in bitcoin or threatening to delete personal data, there is a patch to keep your computer safe but you have to act now or you might become target of the attack. Here is the video. Colorado Computer Techs

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